Understanding the Threat Posed by Chinese Cyber Warfare Units
Conference paper

The emergence of China as a global superpower has presented numerous challenges, among which is the growing threat posed by Chinese cyber warfare units. Operating under the People's Liberation Army (PLA), these units have been implicated in various high-profile cyber-attacks targeting both civilian and military entities worldwide. This paper endeavors to offer a comprehensive analysis of the risks presented by Chinese cyber warfare units, encompassing their organizational structure, tactics, and capabilities. By elucidating the nature and extent of this menace, we hope to enable governments and organizations to implement measures for better protection against Chinese cyber-attacks, as 80% of them target government bodies. In this study, we utilize the MITRE ATT&CK framework as a foundation to deliver an accessible, informative overview.

Omer Saleh Mahmod Jomah, (07-2023), 2023 IEEE 3rd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA): IEEE, 359-364

Comprehensive State-of-the-Art of Vehicle-To-Grid Technology
Conference paper

A vehicle is a means of transportation, such as a car, truck, or train, that is capable of moving people or goods from one place to another. Vehicles can be classified based on various factors, such as the type of fuel they use (e.g. gasoline, diesel, electricity), the number of wheels they have (e.g. two, four, six), and their intended use (e.g. passenger transportation). Vehicles may have connectors, such as plug sockets or fuel ports, that allow them to be connected to other devices or systems to form Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology. For example, an Electric Vehicle (EV) may have a charging port that allows it to be connected to an electric power source to recharge its batteries such Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) as one of the V2X forms. One of the challenges in charging EVs is the availability of charging infrastructure. In many places, there are relatively few public charging stations, which can make it difficult for EV owners to find a place to charge their vehicles when they are away from home. Additionally, charging an electric vehicle can take significantly longer time than filling up a gasoline-powered vehicle, which can be inconvenient for some drivers. In this review, the various topologies of V2X, connectors, charging challenges, and EV impact types on the grid are conducted.

Omer Saleh Mahmod Jomah, (07-2023), 2023 IEEE 3rd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA): IEEE, 530-534

Stochastic Method and Sensitivity Analysis Assessments for Vehicle-to-Home Integration based on Renewable Energy Sources
Conference paper

Electric Vehicles (EVs) as hotspot research are increasingly being used as alternative energy sources outside of transportation due to global variables like energy usage and environmental concerns. Gridable Electric Vehicle (GEV) is exploiting the opportunity for connecting EVs to the grid. EVs are now capable of contributing to addressing power limitations and acting as a reserve source of energy for the distribution grid in the Electric Vehicle Charging Facility (EVCF) to form Vehicle-to-Home (V2H). This paper is introduced to estimate impacts on the load for the uncertain behavior of EVs under domestic load after being sized using algorithms. Although, the integration of EVs provides an economical and environmental solution with a positive impact, however, it affects the power system when the uncertain number of EVs is provided as heavy duty. Sensitivity analysis has been considered in the study to investigate the expected changes in the system from the affected components.

Omer S. M. Jomah, (07-2023), 2023 IEEE 3rd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA): IEEE, 783-787

Expert System to Improve and Develop Mathematic Teachers Skills
Conference paper

This work intends to improve the educational process through the development of teachers skills and raise the level of learning by reducing the problems and obstacles facing the teacher and providing many different learning methods. This is done through expert systems, which is one of the important fields of knowledge-based artificial intelligence, where the expert system acquires all the information acquired by the expert in the field of mathematics by transferring all his scientific experience and how the mathematics expert deals with it, so that the knowledge acquired by experts in the field of mathematics is collected. In order to prepare a knowledge base and deal with it through the expert system, as well as the possibility of making the expert system that the teacher deals with, ready to answer any inquiries or the possibility of explaining any part of the curriculum on demand.

Omer Saleh Mahmod Jomah, (06-2023), 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies (IC_ASET): IEEE, 51-75

الذكاء الإصطناعي والنظم الخبيرة

يؤكّد الكثير منا علّىأن الأنشّطة الذهنيّة لسنسّان مثّل فهّم اللغّة الطبيعيّةأو قيّادة

س ّّيارة أو حّّل مسّّألة رياضّّيةأو نظّّم قصّّيدة شّّعريةّّتتطلب"ذكّّاء"، ولقّّد مّّنح الجّّنس

البشّّري لنفسّّه الإسّّم العلمّّي إنسّّان(كّّائن عاقّّل أو حكّّيم)لأّّن قّّدراتنا العقليةمّّهمّّة جدا



لحياتنّّا اليوميةوإحساسّّنا بّّالنفس،ويحّّاول علّّم الّّذكاء الاصّّطناعي فهّّممكونّّاتالّّذكاء

ولربمّّاانأحّّد أسّّباب دراسّّة هّّذا المجّّال هّّو فهّّم المزيّّد عّّن أنفسّّنانحّّن البشّّر،ولكّّن

بخّّلاف مجّّالات الفلسّّفةوعلّّم الّّنفس التّّي تهّّتم أيضّّا بموضّّوع الّّذكاء، يعمّّل الّّذكاء

الإصطناعي على بناء كائنات ذكيةو كذلك فهمها،والسبب الآخر في دراسّة مجّالالّذكاء

الإصطناعيهو أن الكائنات الذكية المصنعة مهمة في حد ذاتهاإذانتج الّذكاء الإصّطناعي

عدة منتجات شيقةّو مدهشةرغّم أن هّذا المجّال مّازال فّي بدايّة نشّأته.رّغّم أنه لا أحّد

يستطيع التنبؤ بالمستقبل بالتفصيل إلا أنه من الواضّحأن الحاسّوب بّذكاء يضّاهيمسّتوى

الإنسان أو أفضل قد يؤثرّتأثيرا كبيرا على حياتنا اليوميةوعلّى مجّرى الحضّارة المّقبلة.

يكرسالّذكاء الاصّطناعي الجهّودتجّاه إحّدى أكبّر المعضّلات، وهّي كيّف يمكّن لّدما

صغيرو بطيء(سواء كانحيويا أو الكترونيا)أن يلاحّظويفهّمويتنبّاء ويعّالج ببراعّة

عالما أكبر حجما وأكثرذاتّه تعقيدا من الدماكيّف يمكننّا بنّاء شّيء بهّذه الخصّائص.

هذه أسئلة صعبة ولكن الباحث في هذا المجال له دليل قويعلىأن هذا الطلّب ممكّن وكّل

ما يجب عليه أن يفعلهو أن ينظر فينفسه وإلى من حوله من بني جنسهليرىأمثلّةعلّى


محمد ابوالقاسم علي الرتيمي، (01-2023)، طرابلس: الأكاديمية الليبية،

Adaptive E-Learning System using Fuzzy Logic
Journal Article

The spread of ICT in education and learning has changed the way of teaching and learning, and

this raised the issue of getting e-learning systems to adapt/personalize with respect to student's

knowledge achievement. However, the relation between the concepts in the programming domain

are not definitive and they are fuzzily related. In this Paper, we describe a practical experience for

developing adaptable e-learning system using fuzzy logic to model and evaluate student's

knowledge for the purpose of adaptation in the field of Computer Programming. Fuzzy logic

technique modeled as a plugin on MOODLE Learning Management System at the Libyan

Academy for Postgraduate Studies is developed. Conclusions highlighted some important lessons

in increasing learning effectiveness and learner's satisfaction.

Mohamed Abolgasem Ali Arteimi, (12-2021), طرابلس: الأكاديمية الليبية, 3 (3), 1-14

A comparison of Pattern Recognition Approaches for Recognizing Handwriting in Arabic Letters
Conference paper

For Arabic letters recognition, we achieve three of pattern recognition approaches namely gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), local binary pattern recognition (LBP) and artificial neural network (ANN) and compare between them to result best performance. Two of these methods level co-occurrence matrix and local binary pattern recognition are used for feature extraction whereas in artificial neural network (ANN) we use the intensity values of pixels for input of the neural network. Two classifiers are used, the K-Nearest Neighbor classifier (KNN) for the LBP, GLCM and neural network classifier for (ANN) artificial neural network. Also, we evaluate the results by using leave one person out approach, fold classification and leave one out.

Jomah, O.S.M, (05-2021), online: 2021 IEEE 1st International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering MI-STA, 818-824

Mechanization the traditional admission systems and their role in improving the quality of inputs for higher education institutions
مقال في مجلة علمية

This study aims to build a model for a unified electronic admission system for Libyan higher education institutions. It has been noticeable that tertiary institutions in Libya have poor outcomes, and perhaps one of the reasons for that is the presence of defects in the current admission systems and their policies, which leads to selecting and accepting inappropriate applicants. The admission systems in most Libyan higher education institutions are outdated and still based on paper applications.Hence, this research was conducted to look at the Arab experiences in employing technology to develop admission systems at higher educational institutions. The research was also conducted to determine whether those Arab experiences can be applied to our local tertiary institutions, and see if they can they improve the quality of higher education outcomes. The researchers critically reviewed a number of tertiary admission systems and procedures offered at some educational institutions in Arab countries to reach an appropriate proposal for an online admission system to use at higher education institutions in Libya. The target admission system aims to offer many advantages and benefits such as saving time and effort for students and workers, as well as speeding up the processes of admission applications and checking application statuses.

عمر صالح محمود جمعة، (03-2021)، سبها: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية، 20 (3)، 28-35

Modeling and Control of Car Active Suspension System Using a Neural Network-based Controller and Linear Quadratic Regulator Controller
Conference paper

This paper aims to demonstrate the application of two different control techniques, namely the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and a neural network-based controller to evaluate and control the vibrations that occurred in the car's suspension system. When the car suspension is designed, a quarter car model with 1-DOF is used. A complete control system is needed to provide the desired suspension performance and characteristics such as passenger comfort, road handling, and suspension deflection, this control system performed by using the Matlab software and includes three parts: input signals (actuator force and road profile), Controller, and the suspension system model. The simulation results show a comparison between the uncontrolled suspension system and the suspension system with a neural network-based controller and the active suspension system of the car based on the linear-quadratic regulator, and it is explained thoroughly.

Omer.S. M. Jomah, (12-2020), online: IEEE, 1-6

Vehicle yaw rate control for lane change maneuver using fuzzy PID controller and neural network controller
Conference paper

Vehicle safety and control is attracting attention increasingly in an attempt to improve the stability and manoeuvrability of vehicles. Three degrees of freedom vehicle dynamic model (called planar vehicle model) is established. Based on theories of fuzzy PID control and neural network based-Controller, controller of vehicle stability is designed by using the method of direct yaw rate control and the two different control strategies. The controllers were compared under one road condition which is a lane change of manoeuvre. By comparing and analyzing the control effect of fuzzy PID control and neural network based-Controller, the result shows as follows: the two controllers improved the yaw rate to follow the reference yaw rate but, using the fuzzy PID controller gave a better and closer path for the desired path of yaw rate compared to using of the neural network controller.

Jomah, O.S.M, (12-2020), online: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc, 1-6