Inducing Fuzzy Regression Tree Forests Using Artificial Immune Systems
Journal ArticleFuzzy decision forests aim to improve the predictive power of single fuzzy decision trees by allowing multiple views of the same domain to be modelled. Such forests have been successfully created for classification problems where the outcome field is discrete; however predicting a continuous output value is more challenging in combining the output from multiple fuzzy decision trees. This paper presents a new approach to creating fuzzy regression tree forests based upon the induction of multiple fuzzy regression decision trees from one training sample, where each tree will represent a different view of the data domain. The singular fuzzy regression trees are induced using a proven algorithm known as Elgasir which fuzzifies crisp CHAID decision trees using trapezoidal membership functions for fuzzification and applies Takagi-Sugeno inference to obtain the final predicted values. A modified version of Artificial Immune System Network model (opt-aiNet) is then used for the simultaneous optimization of the membership functions across all trees within the forest. A strength of the proposed method is that data does not require fuzzification before forest induction this reducing pre-processing time and the need for subjective human experts. Five problem sets from the UCI repository and KEEL repository are used to evaluate the approach. The experimental results have shown that fuzzy regression tree forests reduce the error rate compared with single fuzzy regression trees.
Fathi Sidig Mohamed Gasir, (10-2012), International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems: World Scientific Publishing Company, 20 (2), 133-157
Conference paperIn this paper we study the use of the Brill tagger [5,6,7] for tagging Modern Standard Arabic (henceforth MSA) text. The Brill tagger is a famous public domain part of speech tagger, originally designed for tagging English text by implementing machine learning approach through the method of transformation rules. IT had been adopted for other languages by many researchers [17,19,22]. Some modifications are needed on the learner and tagger that are written partly in perl and partly in C programming languages, and are run under the unix/linux operating system. The main change is done on the initial state tagger, which is used by both learner and tagger. A program is written using the lexical analyzer Lex to capture Arabic morphological structures, and then interfaced with both learner and tagger. The tagset used in this work is a revised version of that introduced by Khoja [11]. The revision included changing some of the tags for linguistic considerations and introducing some new tags to make the set more powerful, or to make up for limitations in the original tagset that hinder tagging some words. The corpus is obtained from two Jordanian magazines, and has to go through a series of editing steps. A collection of lexical rules and contextual rules are obtained and applied to Arabic text. The tagging accuracy of the resulting tagged text is measured now to be an average of up to about 84% for both known and unknown words, A rate, which is very promising for such a complex language and rich tagset. We still hope for better performance.
Mohamed Abolgasem Ali Arteimi, (08-2012), طرابلس: الأكاديمية الليبية, 1-6
;Technology enhanced Learning;
Conference paperechnology enhanced Learning
Abobaker Mohamed Abobaker Elhouni, (07-2012), 2012,soussa, Tunisia.: جامعة سوسة, 41-46
"Statistical predictions of electric load profiles in the UK domestic buildings
Journal ArticleThis paper presents a method of generating realistic electricity load profile data for the UK domestic buildings. The domestic space features have been investigated excluding the heating and hot water systems. A questionnaire survey was conducted and the feedback were collected from a number of occupants at different intervals of times on daily bases in order to establish the probabilistic record of the estimated use of electrical appliances. The model concept of this study also considers the results of previous investigations such as that available in public reports and statistics as input data elements to predict the global domestic energy consumption. In addition, the daily load profile from individual dwelling to community can be predicted using this method. The result of the present method was compared to available published data and has shown reasonable agreement.
ABDELBASET MOSTAFA MOBAREK IHBAL, H. S. Rajamani, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. K. Jalboub, (05-2011), Iraq Journal Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol.7 no.2, pp.151-156, 2011: IEEE, 7 (2), 151-156
Determination of static voltage stability-margin of the power system prior to voltage collapse
Conference paperAbstract:
Voltage instability problems in power system are an important issue that should be taken into consideration during the planning and operation stages of modern power system networks. The system operators always need to know how far the power systems from voltage collapse in order to apply suitable actions to avoid unexpected results. This paper propose a review of some static voltage stability inddices found in the literature to study voltage collapse reveals that various analytical tools based on different concept to predict voltage collapse phenomena. These static voltage stability indices present reliable information about the closeness of the power system to voltage collapse and indentification of the weakest bus, line and area in the power network. A number of static voltage stability indices have been proposed in the literature, but in this only four of them will be considered. The effectiveness of these indices is demonstrated through studies in IEEE 14 bus reliability test system. The results are discussed and key conclusion presented.
ABDELBASET MOSTAFA MOBAREK IHBAL, M. K. JALBOUB, R.A. Abd-Alhameed, H. S. RAJAMANI, (03-2011), Eighth International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, Sousse, Tunisia: IEEE, 1-6
Gdura, Y. and Cockshott, W.P. (2012) Virtual SIMD machine approach for abstracting heterogeneous multicore processors. Journal on Computing, 2011, 1(4), pp. 143-148.
Journal ArticleThe heterogeneous design of multi-core processors,
such as the Cell processor, introduced new challenges in porting
high-level languages. Our project is developing tools that hide the
underlying details of the Cell processor and eases parallel
programming. We present a Virtual SIMD machine (VSM)
paradigm that can be used to parallelize array expression
automatically. The novelty is the use of a virtual SIMD machine
model to completely hide the underlying details required for
programming the Cell processor. The VSM paradigm can also be
used to develop an automatic parallelizing compiler for the Cell
Broadband Engine (Cell BE). In this paper we give an overview
of the VSM interface and present preliminary results that show
the performance of our VSM and its behavior on multiple
accelerator cores using basic arrays operations
Youssef Omran Ramadan Gdura, (01-2011), UK: Journal on Computing, 1 (4), 143-148
Design and fabrication of an intelligent irrigation control system
Journal ArticleThis paper describes the design and fabrication of an intelligent Irrigation control system that allows intelligent control of the water applied to the field at right amounts and times. The system should have the capabilities to measure the water content in the soil so water can be applied as needed. The WATERMARK soil moisture sensor based on the measurement of the soil tension will provide the measurement of the water content. The system measures the soil tension, soil temperature and rain status and records the data in a file for future reference. It will apply water to field if a certain level of soil water tension is reached. This intelligent Irrigation control system is suitable for universities, research centers and farms where a control of the soil water content is required. The system can be used to study the water requirements for crops so irrigation can be scheduled efficiently.
O. S. Jomah, (07-2010), Stevens Point Wisconsin United States: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 0 (2), 370-375
Potential Opportunities, Barriers and Enablers to Use E-Learning within Libyan Medical Educational Institutions
Conference paperAn article published in The New York Times on March 20, 2009 gives a very clear message of Libyan citizens: “We don’t need money, we need roads, we need health care, education, and we need an economy”. There are only 13 doctors, 48 nurses, 34 hospital beds per 10,000 people in Libya. Similar to this, ample evidences are available to prove that Libya has a poor healthcare system
Mohamed Abolgasem Ali Arteimi, (07-2010), طرابلس: الأكاديمية الليبية, 1-8
Enhancement of Educational Institutions Dynamic Websites by adding Security and Accesibility;,
Conference paperhis paper provides a study to one of the web application and summarizes the concept of using dynamic websites in the Internet, so as to provide decision in education institutions with a suitable maters environment in order to achieve their tasks in a perfect way, also to help instructors and students to realize the educational objectives of the institution. In this paper the aspects and the importance of exchanging information between all the parties involved in the institution through reaching a high speed in performing tasks is addressed. In order to execute this work efficiently, a secure transformation and granting the right to access in a secure manner with respect to priorities were the first task to look at.
Abobaker Mohamed Abobaker Elhouni, (07-2010), Amman, Jordan: IEEE, 40-45
Using Routing Optimization in next generation network to achieve high QoS",
Conference paperThis paper deals with the routing optimization in IPV6 networks. It's the key processes of traffic engineering and network planning. Routing optimization provides a means to balance the traffic load in the network with the goal to improve the quality of service. The main objective of our routing optimization procedures is the minimization of the end-to-end delay, which is the total time of an individual packet to transfer from source to destination node. By optimized one of router's functions, this function is the packet classification. This work is done modify the packet classification operation in the router architecture by making it based on two tuples (source address and flow label) instead of the regular five tuples to classify the coming packets. Finally, to test and compare the performance of our algorithm, we used the network simulator NS-2,version 2.29. The simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm indeed helps to minimize the end-to-end delay as a result of router optimization.
Abobaker Mohamed Abobaker Elhouni, (05-2010), Montreal, QC, Canada: IEEE, 70-75