Vehicle yaw rate control for lane change maneuver using fuzzy PID controller and neural network controller
Conference paperVehicle safety and control is attracting attention increasingly in an attempt to improve the stability and manoeuvrability of vehicles. Three degrees of freedom vehicle dynamic model (called planar vehicle model) is established. Based on theories of fuzzy PID control and neural network based-Controller, controller of vehicle stability is designed by using the method of direct yaw rate control and the two different control strategies. The controllers were compared under one road condition which is a lane change of manoeuvre. By comparing and analyzing the control effect of fuzzy PID control and neural network based-Controller, the result shows as follows: the two controllers improved the yaw rate to follow the reference yaw rate but, using the fuzzy PID controller gave a better and closer path for the desired path of yaw rate compared to using of the neural network controller.
Jomah, O.S.M, (12-2020), online: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc, 1-6
A Comprehensive Methodology for Evaluating Conversation-Based Interfaces to Relational Databases (C-BIRDs).
Conference paperEvaluation can be defined as a process of determining the significance of a research output. This is usually done by devising a well-structured study on this output using one or more evaluation measures in which a careful inspection is performed. This paper presents a review of evaluation techniques for Conversational Agents (CAs) and Natural Language Interfaces to Databases (NLIDBs). It then introduces the developed customized evaluation methodology for Conversation-Based Interface to Relational Databases (C-BIRDs). The evaluation methodology created has been divided into two groups of measures. The first is based on quantitative measures, including two measures: task success and dialogue length. The second group is based on a number of qualitative measures, including: prototype ease of use, naturalness of system responses, positive/negative emotion, appearance, text on screen, organization of information, and error message clarity. Then an elaboration is carried out on the devised methodology by adding a discussion and recommendations on the sample size, the experimental setup and the scaling in order to provide a comprehensive evaluation methodology for C-BIRDs. In conclusion the evaluation methodology created is better way for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of C-BIRDs in comparison to the usage of single measure evaluations.
Fathi Sidig Mohamed Gasir, (08-2020), Intelligent systems and applications: Intelligent systems and applications, 196-208
تحــديــات تطبيق تقنيــات أنظمـة الدفع الإلكتروني في ليبيــا
رسالة ماجستيراسة إلى التعرف على واقع تحــديــات تطبيق تقنيــات أنظمـة الدفع الإلكتروني في ليبيــاهدفـــت هذه الدر.
اسةولتحقيق هذا الهدف اتبعت الدرالمنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وتم توزيع عدد(3)استبانات على ثلاث فئات
مختلفة هم موظفي المصارف والتجار وعملاء المصارف لمعرفة واقع تحــديــات تطبيق تقنيــات أنظمـة الدفع
الإلكتروني في ليبيــا،واحتوت الاستبانات على أكثر من محور للتعرف على واقعأنظمةالدفع الإلكتروني،
التحديات وتحديدالتيوتم الإلكتروني الدفع وانظمة أدوات استخدام تواجهاستخدامبرنامجالتحليل
الاحصائيSPSS))لتحليلاج النتائج.البيانات واستخر
اسة الى العديد من النتائجوقد وتوصلت الدركان من أهمها: أن حجم الخدماتالتييقدمها المصرف من
خلال أدوات الدفع اًلإلكترونية ضعيف نسبيابالإضافةالى ضعف في حجم ما تملكه من تلك الأدوات، وأن
ة لقيام أنظمة الدفع الإلكترونية إلا أنها بحاجة للتطوير ودعم حكوميأساس البنية التحتية التكنولوجية متوفر
ا ً هاما ً في انتشار الخدمات المصرفية الإلكترونية وفي توفير سياساوالذي يشكل دورت وتشريعات قانونية
داعمة لانتشار تلك الخدمة، وأن تطبيق تقنيات انظمة وادوات الدفع الالكتروني يواجه العديد من التحديات
اك أهمية استخدام أنظمة وأدوات الدفع الإلكتروني من قبل العملاء مما أدى الىمنها: قلة المعرفة وعدم إدر
انعدامالثقةبأنظمةالدفع الإلكتروني والميل الى الدفع النقدي في المعاملات التجارية وتفضيلها على باقي
ى.وسائل الدفع الأخر
ومن خلال هذه النتائج أوصت الباحثة بما يلي
محمد ابوالقاسم علي الرتيمي، (04-2017)، online: الأكاديمية الليبية،
On the Suitability of Type-1 Fuzzy Regression Tree Forests for Complex Datasets.
Conference paperOne of the challenges in data mining practices is that the datasets vary in complexity and often have different characteristics such as number of attributes, dependent variables characteristics etc. In terms of regression problems, the features that describe the dataset will vary in their complexity, sparseness verses coverage in relation to the decision space, and the number of outcome classes. Fuzzy Decision trees are well-established classifiers in terms of building robust, representative models of the domain. In order to represent different perspectives of the same domain, fuzzy trees can be used to construct fuzzy decision forests to enhance the predictive ability of singular trees. This paper describes an empirical study which examines the applicability of fuzzy tree regression forests to seven different datasets which have complex properties. The relationship between dataset characteristics and the performance of fuzzy regression tree forests is debated.
Fathi Sidig Mohamed Gasir, (06-2016), 16th International Conference, IPMU 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands: 16th International Conference, IPMU 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 656-663
Providing Open Access for Scholarly Information in Libya
Conference paperDigital libraries support the transition of academic
institutions towards digital universities, and introducing ETD digital
repositories is believed to be a step in this process. This paper
describes an ETD Digital Library project at the Libyan Academy of
Graduate Studies. The project aims to build digital library for theses
and dissertations (ETD). This work is a project for the first
institutional ETD digital library in the Libyan country. The
researchers developed a system based on Greenstone open source
system for building ETD digital library. A metadata for theses and
dissertations was developed in this research. The paper addresses
issues related to project design, development and user satisfaction.
Conclusions highlighted some important lessons learned to date.
Mohamed Abolgasem Ali Arteimi, (05-2016), الفلبين: الأكاديمية الليبية, 1-4
Micro Learning: A Modernized Education System
Journal ArticleLearning is an understanding of how the human brain is wired to learning rather than to an approach or a system. It is one of the best and most frequent approaches for the 21st century learners. Micro learning is more interesting due to its way of teaching and learning the content in a small, very specific burst. Here the learners decide what and when to learn. Content, time, curriculum, form, process, mediality, and learning type are the dimensions of micro learning. Our paper will discuss about micro learning and about the micro-content management system. The study will reflect the views of different users, and will analyze the collected data. Finally, it will be concluded with its pros and cons.
Omer Jomah, (03-2016), Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2016, ISSN 2067-3957 (online), ISSN 2068 - 0473 (print): BRAIN - Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 7 (1), 103-110
Problem Solutions of Phase Ambiguity and Initial Phase Shifts of the Phase Radio Navigation System for Aircraft Blind Landing
Journal ArticleThis work is a continuation of a design of a phase radio navigation system for aircraft blind landing in case of nonequipped runways proposed in [1], where, the proposed system is based on measuring the phase shifts of signals received from four ground transmitters (antennas), placed on corners of the runway strip, which provide distance measurements accuracy in millimeters. However, there are two important points that need serious consideration. First, the phase measurement is going to give the total phase () ϕ ρ−
0, while the actual phase shift of interest is ‘ϕ’, 0 ρ is the transmitter initial phase. The second problem is that, the measured phase angle () ϕ ρ− 0 between the transmitted and the received signal can only be measured in the interval from 0 to π 2 radians, this problem is called phase ambiguity. The answer of these problems lies in the use of more than one frequency (signal). Two sinusoidal signals with different frequencies (1f and 2f) but the same initial phase can be used. Taking the difference of the measured phases, the initial phase 0 ρ can vanish. To get around phase ambiguity would be to make sure that the actual phase difference 12 ϕ∆ does not exceed π 2, this technique called equivalent or synthetic wavelength.
S Sasi, NA Shashoa, (03-2015), IJISET: IJISET, 2 (3), 10-20
New Radio Navigation System for Aircraft Blind Landing
Journal ArticleA new radio navigation system for aircraft blind landing is proposed. This system is based on measuring the phase shifts of signals received from four ground transmitters (antennas), placed on corners of the runway strip. The received signals phase shifts provide distance measurements accuracy in millimetres. The reception of these signals is made on the onboard antenna located on the aircraft. Three ground antennas out of the four will be sufficient for determining the location of the aircraft. As a result of the analysis, the coordinates of the onboard antenna, the coordinates of the centre of mass of the aircraft, and axis coordinate of the aircraft determined with respect to the runway coordinate system.
S Sasi, NA Shashoa, (03-2015), International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication: International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3 (2), 626-628
Onboard Digital Receiver Architecture and Design of the Phase Radio-Navigation System for Aircraft Blind Landing
Journal ArticleThis work describes the architecture and design of an onboard digital receiver of the phase radio-navigation system for aircraft blind landing proposed in [1]. The proposed onboard digital receiver is a special case of a multi-channel narrowband digital receiver concept. The purpose of this receiver is to receive eight different RF frequencies (in four pairs) range from 960 MHz to 963.003749941 MHz, carry on them the required analogue and digital signal processing techniques to evaluate their phase shifts and then the difference phase shifts between each pair of them. The phase measurements lead to determination of the location of the aircraft with respect to the touch point on the runway with accuracy in millimetres.
S Sasi, NA Shashoa, SK Yakhlef, (03-2015), IJSRSET: IJSRSET, 1 (3), 18-21
تطبيقات الذكاء الإصطناعي
تقرير علمييُعد الادراك البشري فئة مركبه من الظواهر التي تعمل أنظمة الذكاء الاصطناعي على الارتباط بها بطريقتين مختلفتين: يهتم المناصرون لما يُعرف بالذكاء الاصطناعي القوي ، ببناء انظمة لها سلوك في مستوى غير مميز عن الانسان، ويؤدي النجاح في الذكاء الاصطناعي القوي الى انتاج عقول حاسوب تتمركز في كائنات فيزيائيه مستقله مثل القِن الآلي (robot) أو ربما في عوالم" افتراضيه virtual " مثل فضاء المعلومات الذي يتكون بواسطة شبكة المعلومات الدوليه Internet.
الاتجاه البديل للذكاء الاصطناعي القوي هو تأمل إدراك الانسان والبحث عن كيفية دعمه في المواقف او الحالات الصعبه أو المعقدة. فمثلا، قد يحتاج قائد طائرة مقاتله إلى عون أنظمة ذكيه للمساعدة في قيادة طائرة شديدة التعقيد لا يمكنه قيادتها بمفرده. هذه الاساليب الهيّنه لا يُقصد منها ان تكون مستقلة بذاتها ، ولكنها شكل من التحسين الادراكي لدعم الانسان في عدة مهام. في مجال الطب مثلا، تستخدم انظمة الذكاء الاصطناعي لدعم العاملين بمجال الصحه أثناء تأديتهم لواجباتهم، معينة في مهام تعتمد على مداولة البيانات والمعرفه. قد يعمل نظام الذكاء الاصطناعي ضمن نظام طبي الكتروني، مثلا وينبّه الطبيب السريري عندما يكتشف مؤشرات مخالفه للخطه العلاجيه. قد ينبّه الطبيب ايضا عندما تكتشف أنماط في البيانات تشير الى حدوث تغييرات مهمه في حالة المريض.
إضافة الى المهام التي تتطلب تفكير باستخدام معرفه متخصصه، يوجد لأنظمة الذكاء الإصطناعي دور مختلف تلعبه في عملية البحث العلمي. بالتحديد، تمتلك الأنظمة الذكيه إمكانية التعلم، التي تعمل على اكتشاف ظواهر جديده وخلق معرفة متخصصه. فعلى سبيل المثال، يمكن استخدام نظام حاسوب ذكي لتحليل كميات من البيانات والبحث عن أنماط مركبة بها توحي بإرتباطات لم تكن متوقعة من قبل.
كما يمكن أيضا في ظل وجود نموذج للمعرفة الحاليه في تخصص ما، استخدام نظام الذكاء الاصطناعي لإبراز الاختلافات بين الملاحظات التجريبيه والنظريات القائمه.
محمد ابوالقاسم علي الرتيمي، (01-2015)، online: المؤسسة العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا،