Expert System to Improve and Develop Mathematic Teachers Skills
Conference paper

This work intends to improve the educational process through the development of teachers skills and raise the level of learning by reducing the problems and obstacles facing the teacher and providing many different learning methods. This is done through expert systems, which is one of the important fields of knowledge-based artificial intelligence, where the expert system acquires all the information acquired by the expert in the field of mathematics by transferring all his scientific experience and how the mathematics expert deals with it, so that the knowledge acquired by experts in the field of mathematics is collected. In order to prepare a knowledge base and deal with it through the expert system, as well as the possibility of making the expert system that the teacher deals with, ready to answer any inquiries or the possibility of explaining any part of the curriculum on demand.

Omer Saleh Mahmod Jomah, (06-2023), 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies (IC_ASET): IEEE, 51-75

Feature Extraction for Fault Diagnosis Based on Recursive Generalized Extended Least Squares Algorithm
Conference paper

this paper presents feature selection for fault diagnosis based on recursive generalized extended least squares algorithm (RGELS). RGELS model is derived and validation of this model is tested utilizing good statistical methods, which, namely best-fit criterion. The system parameters are estimated employing the proposed algorithm. Dimension reduction of the system parameters is done to get best important features using linear discriminant analysis. Finally, the simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the algorithm.

Nasar Aldian Ambark Mohamed Shashoa, (04-2023), تونس: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies (IEEE IC_ASET). (IEEE), 1-5

Investigating Performance Parameters of Class E Power Amplifier with Shunt Capacitance Configuration at Lower Microwave Frequency Band
Journal Article

Class E power amplifier circuit consists mainly of a transistor operates as a switch, load network and series LC filter tuned to fundamental frequency. There is different configurations to realize class E power amplifier circuit according to the load network such as: shunt capacitance configuration, shunt inductance configuration and parallel circuit configuration. In this paper the performance parameters (such as: PAE, overall efficiency, drain efficiency, gain, drain voltage and current waveforms) of class E power amplifier with shunt capacitance configuration at frequencies [0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 GHz] are observed

Marai Mohamed Elmabrouk ABOUSETTA, Ramdan A. M. Khalifa, Yahya S. Ali3 ,, (03-2023), Academy journal for Basic and Applied Sciences: Libyan Academy, 1 (1), 310-315

A Synthesis Design of Linear Array Antenna with Chosen Nulls Directions in Searching Systems
Journal Article

This paper presents a synthesizing design of a linear antenna array by adapting the Schelkunoff method. The idea behind this type of design is to produce nulls in radiation pattern of a structure without any notable effects on the main lobe. This design has been undertaken around 9 GHz, where both theoretical and simulation results are achieved and will be the target of this work. X-band searching radar system is considered where sing

Marai Mohamed Elmabrouk ABOUSETTA, (03-2023), Academy journal for Basic and Applied Sciences: Libyan Academy, 1 (1), 307-310

الذكاء الإصطناعي والنظم الخبيرة

يؤكّد الكثير منا علّىأن الأنشّطة الذهنيّة لسنسّان مثّل فهّم اللغّة الطبيعيّةأو قيّادة

س ّّيارة أو حّّل مسّّألة رياضّّيةأو نظّّم قصّّيدة شّّعريةّّتتطلب"ذكّّاء"، ولقّّد مّّنح الجّّنس

البشّّري لنفسّّه الإسّّم العلمّّي إنسّّان(كّّائن عاقّّل أو حكّّيم)لأّّن قّّدراتنا العقليةمّّهمّّة جدا



لحياتنّّا اليوميةوإحساسّّنا بّّالنفس،ويحّّاول علّّم الّّذكاء الاصّّطناعي فهّّممكونّّاتالّّذكاء

ولربمّّاانأحّّد أسّّباب دراسّّة هّّذا المجّّال هّّو فهّّم المزيّّد عّّن أنفسّّنانحّّن البشّّر،ولكّّن

بخّّلاف مجّّالات الفلسّّفةوعلّّم الّّنفس التّّي تهّّتم أيضّّا بموضّّوع الّّذكاء، يعمّّل الّّذكاء

الإصطناعي على بناء كائنات ذكيةو كذلك فهمها،والسبب الآخر في دراسّة مجّالالّذكاء

الإصطناعيهو أن الكائنات الذكية المصنعة مهمة في حد ذاتهاإذانتج الّذكاء الإصّطناعي

عدة منتجات شيقةّو مدهشةرغّم أن هّذا المجّال مّازال فّي بدايّة نشّأته.رّغّم أنه لا أحّد

يستطيع التنبؤ بالمستقبل بالتفصيل إلا أنه من الواضّحأن الحاسّوب بّذكاء يضّاهيمسّتوى

الإنسان أو أفضل قد يؤثرّتأثيرا كبيرا على حياتنا اليوميةوعلّى مجّرى الحضّارة المّقبلة.

يكرسالّذكاء الاصّطناعي الجهّودتجّاه إحّدى أكبّر المعضّلات، وهّي كيّف يمكّن لّدما

صغيرو بطيء(سواء كانحيويا أو الكترونيا)أن يلاحّظويفهّمويتنبّاء ويعّالج ببراعّة

عالما أكبر حجما وأكثرذاتّه تعقيدا من الدماكيّف يمكننّا بنّاء شّيء بهّذه الخصّائص.

هذه أسئلة صعبة ولكن الباحث في هذا المجال له دليل قويعلىأن هذا الطلّب ممكّن وكّل

ما يجب عليه أن يفعلهو أن ينظر فينفسه وإلى من حوله من بني جنسهليرىأمثلّةعلّى


محمد ابوالقاسم علي الرتيمي، (01-2023)، طرابلس: الأكاديمية الليبية،

Annular Shaped Patch for Lower Band Microwave Frequencies Application
Journal Article

Shaping of the conductor or any of the other parts of the patch radiators plays important role in changing the working parameters of this type of antennas. In this work Annular, shape has been introduced on the conductor patch. Different dimensions have been introduced on the annular geometry and with a help of a simulation package obtained results are dependable on for application in microwave frequency ranging from 2.5 GHz to 5 GHz. Encouraging values of Bandwidth have been obtained with reasonable output of return loss

Marai Mohamed Elmabrouk ABOUSETTA, Rafik M. Et-Trabelsi, (12-2022), Academy journal for Basic and Applied Sciences: Libyan Academy, 1 (4), 1-9

Enhanced Array Patch Antenna Parameters for 5G Applications
Journal Article

This paper presents the design and simulation of a microstrip array patch antenna operating at 28 GHz for 5G communication with a maximum reflection coefficient of -17 dB, a very wide bandwidth of 1.5 GHz and a high gain of 6.84 dB. A Roger RT5880, which has a dielectric constant of 2.2 and a height of 0.2 mm has been used as a transmission line with an inset feed. Antenna dimensions were calculated and simulated results have been performed and analyzed using CST Microwave Studio Package. Moreover, linear array with 3x1 and 5x1, to provide better gain to reach 13 dB and reducing the mutual effect, was developed using decoupling simple slab techniques.

Marai Mohamed Elmabrouk ABOUSETTA, Rafik M. Et-Trabelsi, AbdulgaderElfasi ,, Walid T. Shanab, (12-2022), Academy journal for Basic and Applied Sciences: Libyan Academy, 1 (4), 1-9

Enhancing Patch Antennas Performance Using Back Rectangular holes in substrate for 5G Applications
Journal Article

This research presents patch antenna design that enhances its performance to work in 5G band with: sufficient bandwidth, acceptable insertion loss level and effective gain value. A selective procedure for finding suitable patch height has been undertaken. Parallel to this a technique of inserting appropriate Rectangular back holes in substrate has been also made. A simulation program using recent version of the well-known HFSS has been used for obtaining best of results. Sufficient bandwidth values in the range of (27 - 29.39)GHz with return loss range( -15dB - -33dB) have been obtained with acceptable gain value.

Marai Mohamed Elmabrouk ABOUSETTA, Ali A. ELjurni, Ali A. Ashour, (12-2022), Academy journal for Basic and Applied Sciences: Libyan Academy, 1 (4), 1-9

Enhancing PHY Layer Security with Transmit and Receive Beamforming Diversity Schemes for MISO and SIMO System Models
Journal Article

The security of the communication channels has become a hot research topic for the 5G due to the tremendous advancements in wireless communications over the past two decades, including the recent emergence of the fifth generation (5G) in mobile wireless communications, which is anticipated to support extremely large user connections and exponentially increase the wireless services. This paper describes a new approach to the problem of interception of wireless communication channels between the legitimate users. Physical Layer Security PLS is new topic enhancing the secrecy performance of a Single-input-multiple-output (SIMO) system for wireless communication from one base-station equipped by single transmitting antenna to many users equipped by multiple receiving antennas each. The receiving beamforming techniques “with a perfect channel CSI is assumed”, such as Maximum Ratio Combining MRC and Equal Gain Combining EGC is utilized in order to achieve the perfect secure receiving for the legitimate users. A downlink transmission of Multiple-input-Single-output (MISO) has been designed ‘Basestation’ equipped by multiple transmitting antennas and users (legitimate and Eavesdropper) with single receiving antenna can focus the information signal in the direction of the intended/information user while minimizing the signal's quality as received by an eavesdropper. The technique of Artificial Noise AN is also researched in addition to beamforming. The secrecy rate performance measured as Bit-error-ratio BER vs SNR in SIMO system model implemented with the receiving beamforming schemes MRC and EGC suggested that the MRC is considered as an optimal receive beamforming diversity technique in order to achieve a best secrecy rate of transmitted signal and as it was compared to secrecy rate performance resulted from MISO system model

Marai Mohamed Elmabrouk ABOUSETTA, Abeer A S Elhoula, Graduate Stud., Tarek Saleh M. Ghmati, (12-2022), Academy journal for Basic and Applied Sciences: Libyan Academy, 1 (4), 1-19

Optimization of Yagi -Uda AntennaGain forWi-Fi &Wi-Max Applications
Conference paper

Yagi-Uda antennas are known to be difficult to design and optimize due to their sensitivity at high gain, and the inclusion of numerous parasitic elements. There are various patch antennas used for Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX applications, but with high gain and directionality are requirement. Generally number of directors is raised to increase gain of these antennas. But, here we present modified designs of Yagi-Uda antennas, in which the directivity, gain and bandwidth can be enhanced by different techniques. In this paper initially discuss a design of a conventional Yagi-Uda antenna with four uniform directors is undertaken and uniform spacing between them. Results show that, the proposed techniques would enhance the directivity, gain as well as bandwidth when compared with the first design of Conventional Yagi-uda antenna. Finally, it can be said that the proposed design is suitable for Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX antennas with opertating frequency range starting from 2.45 GHz.

Marai Mohamed Elmabrouk ABOUSETTA, Abdulgader Elfasi, Marai M. Abousetta, Walid T. Shanab, Nezar G. Ayad, (12-2022), Academy journal for Basic and Applied Sciences: Libyan Academy, 1-10